35 private links
Jappix is a free software released under the AGPL license, which has as an objective to make something huge for the free social networks world. Furthermore, we'd be proud to help developping new XMPP protocol drafts so that we'll integrate them quickly in Jappix.
A bunch of links to freely licensed fonts, always useful to spice up design and proposals.
Woah. Le dev en moi en salive. Oui, oui, il est encore là :) (Gracias Hollman)
Un outil libre pour créer votre propre serveur de sondages en ligne.
L'endroit où trouver des polices libres en bonne quantité :)
Just a dad writing some tutes for his son to learn Python and happy to share. These tutorials assume you’ve got access to a python interpreter – see the Getting Started Tab. Each of these tutorials is intended to last for 10-15 minutes. They are not intended to give an exhaustive look at every (or any) particular aspect of Python. Rather, the intention is to give you a working baseline from which you can go out and do your own work. Always remember the Python documentation or Google if you have a question.
Some interesting comments and insight on interviewing for a GNU/Linux job.
Thinking of submitting an application to the Windows Phone Marketplace? Better check the fine print in the developer agreement. Microsoft has a message there for many free and open source developers: You are not welcome.
Migrer ses données delicious vers un service auto-géré avec Scuttle.
Les formations suivantes sont actuellement offertes dans différentes bibliothèques et centres de formation de la province de Québec, ainsi que sur place en entreprise ou à votre domicile: Introduction aux logiciels libres et à Gnu/Linux avec Ubuntu Mozilla ou naviguer dans le Web et utiliser son courriel de façon efficace et sûre * Chiffrement et signatures numériques avec OpenPGP
Qlix is a small QT based graphical user interface for libmtp to communicate with MTP Basic devices.