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Having recently had trouble updating my #Nexus 5 (also manufactured 7 years ago) to #Android 10, I asked myself:
"Why is my e-reader still getting regular OS updates, while #Google stopped issuing security patches for my smartphone four years ago?"
To try to answer this, let us turn to economic incentives theory.
Voici pourquoi.
Google Data Collection research (PDF) - by Professor Douglas C. Schmidt, Professor of Computer Science at Vanderbilt University, and his team. This study provides a unique and comprehensive view of Google’s data collection approaches and delves deeper into specific types of information it collects from users.
To understand what data Google collects, this study draws on four key sources:
a. Google’s My Activity and Takeout tools, which describe information collected during the use of Google’s
user-facing products;
b. Data intercepted as it issent to Google server domains while Google or 3rd-party products are used;
c. Google’s privacy policies (both general and product-specific); andd.Other 3rd-party researchthat has examined Google’s data collection efforts.
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switching.social – Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to popular sites and apps
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The discovery demonstrates limitations in Google Play's antimalware service.
The code family used to push malware circulated as early as June 2012.
Covert remote access trojan was built using newly discovered DIY toolkit.
Titles raise questions about Google's ability to police its own market.
We at StreetEasy decided to build our own maps using, among other tools, OpenStreetMap, TileMill, MapBox and Leaflet, instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to Google. And yes, the money pushed us into doing it, but we're happier with the result because we now control the contents of our maps. (and now there is a follow up post too https://plus.google.com/118383351194421484817/posts/8x6xSQYypwt )