35 private links
From the community, for the community
The Open-PC is a PC for everyday use built by the Linux community for the Linux community. We use only free software. Your help will be welcomed, to make our project even better.
What is special about the Open-PC?
- Hardware and Software is selected by the Linux Community
- The PC is preconfigured and easy to use by everybody
- Telephone and Email support is included.
- Only free software is used, including the drivers
- Only fully documented hardware is used
- There are different manufacturers who build and sell the Open-PCs
- A part of the price is a donation to KDE
- Everything, including the software, is developed in the open. Everybody can contribute.
The fast, reliable way to make localhost part of the Web.
PageKite makes local websites or SSH servers publicly accessible in mere seconds, and works with any computer and any Internet connection.
It's also 100% Open Source.
Ceux qui nous connaissent savent que nous sommes partisans d’une plus grande utilisation des logiciels libres. Nous constatons souvent dans notre travail (enseignements et recherches en lien avec les technologies éducatives), qu’ils sont méconnus. Conséquemment, des décideurs agissent à partir de savoirs qui ne sont pas à jour, voire incomplets. Les logiciels libres pourraient pourtant aider l’école québécoise à gérer ou intégrer plusieurs « différences ». Voici, en quelques lignes, une présentation des logiciels libres et, surtout, une petite discussion à propos de la valeur ajoutée potentielle et des avantages que ces logiciels pourraient apporter.
Here is a copy of the License agreement that I received after I registered to MSDNAA ELMS. I got the keys for so called famous M$ products. Lets have a review of it shall we?
Le gouvernement Charest va donner le feu vert pour que les milliers d'ordinateurs des ministères et des réseaux de la santé et de l'éducation migrent vers la nouvelle version de Windows 7, de Microsoft. Un contrat de plus de 1 milliard de dollars, mais une occasion ratée de réaliser d'énormes économies, observent les partisans du logiciel libre.
Maqetta is free, open source software (published under the modified BSD license or the Academic Free License version 2.1) that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces. The Maqetta application itself is authored in HTML, and therefore runs in the browser without requiring additional plugins or downloads.
Este fin de semana, la Universidad de Massachusetts, Boston, ha alojando el ciclo de conferencias anual que organiza LibrePlanet.
El proyecto LibrePlanet es una red global de activistas del movimiento por el software libre, organizados en equipos que trabajan en conjunto para promover los ideales de la libertad del software mediante la contribución y la promoción del software libre.
El desarrollador principal del sistema operativo 100% libre Trisquel GNU/Linux, Rubén Rodríguez (quidam), se encontraba el Sábado allí como ponente.
Stop sending .DOC files as mail attachments! There is a better way!
Libregamewiki is a wiki of free games and related topics started by Han Dao.
Lately there has been quite some debate about “free services” and what they mean to their users. A lot of it started with the excellent article “Don’t be a free user” by Maciej Ceglowski which described a few unpleasant truths.
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and RAW developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.
SOGo Users,
This is a follow up on from this thread.
'[SOGo] Why not move from Funambol to Z-Push? Many features will be obtained.', http://www.mail-archive.com/ users@sogo.nu/msg08451.html
even farther from this reply, http://www.mail-archive.com/ users@sogo.nu/msg08828.html, on the same suject.
I am pleased to announce sogosync, It is an unmodified Z-Push from svn upstream (1.5.x branch) with caldav and cardav backend.
So far it is a read-only carddav and caldav and support multiple addressbook and calendar.
I have also made the configuration easier with preconfigure file working against http://sogo-demo.inverse.ca.
'public' addressbook are skip as they are provide by LDAP Z-push backend.
Email (IMAP) and GAL (Global Address List) support are provide by standard Z-push backend.
It has been tested on iOS 5.0.1.
It is Open Source software released under AGPLv3 and host on Github.com.
Please feel free to feedback, contribute to the code, sponsor or donate.
More on https://github.com/xbgmsharp/sogosync
Kind regards,
Buenos Aires
President of GNU Solidario Free Software, Social and Animal Rights activist Computer scientist. Medicine student
JavaScript License Web Labels is a format that the FSF proposes webmasters use to publish license information and source code for the JavaScript they deploy on their sites. It looks simple enough to be accessible to any visitor, but provides enough detail that automated tools can confirm that all of a site's JavaScript is actually free. Such software will make it practical for people to run free JavaScript and refuse nonfree code. Tools like this are already being developed: LibreJS is a plug-in for Mozilla-based browsers that will support JavaScript License Web Labels.
OpenXC is combination of open source hardware and software that lets you extend your vehicle with custom applications and pluggable modules. It uses standard, well-known tools to open up a wealth of data from the vehicle to developers.
XiVO is an application developed by the Avencall Group, based on several free existant components including Asterisk, and our own development to provide the way to an enterprise to replace or add a telephony service (PABX).
XiVO is free software. Most of its distinctive components, and XiVO as a whole, are distributed under the GPLv3 license. We are also working on a fully Open XiVO Hardware.
An Android client is also available, and XiVO remote administration for testing is available too.
Kexi is an integrated data management application. It can be used for creating database schemas, inserting data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects - tables, queries and forms - are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design.
Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for Microsoft Access, FileMaker and Oracle Forms. Its development is motivated by the lack of Rapid Application Development RAD) tools for database systems that are sufficiently powerful, inexpensive, open standards driven and portable across many operating systems and hardware platforms.
Kexi is Free/Libre/Open-Source Software. As a real member of the KDE and Calligra Suite projects, Kexi integrates fluently into both. It is designed to be fully usable also without KDE on Linux/Unix, Mac OS X (with Fink) and MS Windows platforms.