35 private links
Lettre d'opinion - Depuis quelque temps et presque insidieusement, nous avons été poussés — sans nous en rendre compte, pour la plupart — dans le passage obligé de la sacro-sainte Page Facebook !
Once your #YouTube video collection grows, it becomes hard to search and find a specific video. That's where Tube Archivist comes in: By indexing your video collection with metadata from YouTube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived YouTube videos without hassle #offline through a convenient #web interface.
Tube Archivist is self-hosted, Free open source software published under the GPLv3 licence.
Do you want to share the links you discover? Shaarli is a minimalist link sharing service that you can install on your own server. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy.
Découverte de la journée, #Qwant - je vais essayer le navigateur aussi.
Fully managed Mastodon hosting starting at €5/mo.
privacytools.io provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
Finally Let’s Encrypt went public with their open source, easy to use, SSL certification solution (Available for everybody, starting on the 3rd of December).
And yes, it’s free! As I’m writing this, Let’s Encrypt is still beta status, but working well in a productive environment. Check out their site to understand how it works.
One of the challenges faced most often by those of us in the field of usability is finding good data about user behavior quickly, accurately, and, in most cases, cheaply. In an environment where many stakeholders question the return on investment in usability, some in the industry have developed interesting ideas aimed at gathering user data. One such idea is the analysis of server log files to gather information about user behavior. On the surface, it is easy to understand the gravitation towards server logs: They’re supposedly a data source which portrays what people are doing on a site. Server logs supposedly show what people click on, which pages they view, and how they get from page to page.
Often when I talk to clients, I am asked the following question: “Can we track how many users with disabilities access our site?”. The question itself is always asked with good intentions. The client wants to be able to provide an improved experience for persons with disabilities.
The short answer is that you can’t. At the time of writing there isn’t a way to reliably detect whether someone visiting your site is using a screen reader (or screen magnifier). You might have heard that Flash will do the trick, but that might not be quite the solution you’re expecting.
OpenTBS is a plug-in for the TinyButStrong Template Engine.
TinyButStrong is a PHP Template Engine which has special template syntax and allows you to design templates in their natural editing tools. But it normally works only for Text files, including XML and HTML.
With TinyButStrong and its plug-in OpenTBS, you can use the template engine to merge OpenOffice documents and Ms Office documents with lot of facilities. All OpenDocument Format (ODF) and Office Open XML (OOXML) can be merged with OpenTBS, and also XPS files (XPS is a PDF competitor provided by Microsoft). In fact, all zip archives containing Xml/Html/Text files can be merged with OpenTBS.
What is special to OpenTBS:
Design your templates directly with OpenOffice or MS Office.
No exe file needed to merge documents.
No temporary files needed to merge documents.
Output directly as an http download, a new file on the disk, or as a string (for file attachment for example).
Works with both PHP 4 and PHP 5.
No PHP extension is required (If the Zlib extension is enabled it becomes easier to use templates, see more detail below)
You should know Template Engines and more specifically TinyButStrong to use OpenTBS.
Modulis est une entreprise spécialisée dans l'intégration et le développement de solutions opensource. En opération depuis plus de 4 ans, notre principale expertise couvre les technologies web avec TYPO3, voip avec Asterisk ainsi que l'administration d'infrastructure Linux et le développement de logiciels sur mesure.
Fondée en 1996 et basée à Québec, Libéo (auparavant SYS-TECH) est une référence en web interactif, mobile et applicatif basé sur les logiciels libres. L’équipe composée de 34 passionnés, dirigée par Jean-François Rousseau et Joé Bussière, prend en charge la planification stratégique, la conception, le design, le développement et l'infrastructure technologique.
Établie à Montréal en 2004, Koumbit est une organisation à but non lucratif ayant une double mission. Premièrement, celle de créer un espace d'entraide et de partage de ressources pour les travailleurs des technologies de l'information engagés socialement dans leur milieu. Deuxièmement, celle de favoriser l'appropriation de l'informatique libre et de favoriser l'autonomie technologique des groupes sociaux québécois, en développant une plateforme informatique collective et en assurant un support à l'utilisation des logiciels libres.
Koumbit regroupe présentement une soixantaine de membres individuels et organisationnels, pour la plupart spécialisés dans les domaines des technologies de l'information et du design graphique, et a offert des services informatiques à de nombreux organismes associatifs et communautaires de la société québécoise.
L'origine du nom
Koumbit est dérivé du mot konbit, issu du créole haïtien, qui signifie « regroupement de personnes pour une cause, un but commun ». Concrètement, un konbit est une association de paysans en vue de réaliser des tâches communes. Forme de solidarité sociale de base de la culture haïtienne, ce terme a été employé par différents écrivains et militants politiques des années 1940 afin de susciter chez les paysans haïtiens la prise en charge de leur destin.
ThinkUp is a free, open source web application that captures all your activity on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
With ThinkUp, you can store your social activity in a database that you control, making it easy to search, sort, analyze, publish and display activity from your network. All you need is a web server that can run a PHP application.
Clipperz is free under the AGPLv3 license.
It is a secure and simple password manager, an effective single sign-on solution, a digital vault for your personal data.
With Clipperz you can store and manage your passwords and online credentials, login to your web services without entering any username or password, protect all your sensitive data: codes for burglar alarms, PINs, credit card numbers, share secrets with family members and associates (coming soon)
Clipperz is free and completely anonymous, you can access it any time from any computer, requires no software to download and nothing to install, helps avoiding keeping secrets on your PC or on paper
Clipperz security consists of your secrets being locally encrypted by your browser before being uploaded to Clipperz, the encryption key being passphrase known only to you, and hosting your sensitive data in encrypted form so it can never actually be accessed in its plain form.
Clipperz is built upon standard encryption schemes, nothing fancies or homemade: you can review the source code anytime you like, but you need to know nothing about cryptography to be an happy user!