35 private links
“Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, literally knitted or crocheted plush) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small animals and anthropomorphic creatures.” Wikipedia
Here you'll find my amigurumi plush creations inspired by mascots, Linux logos and other computer systems, crocheted in 100% cotton and stuffed with anti-mite synthetic wadding.
Ideal for decoration, key rings
:muscle: Ubuntu 18.04 setup & customization routine for developers. - utkuufuk/ubuntu-on-steroids
The Secure Shell is widely used to provide secure access to remote systems, and everybody who uses it is familiar with routine password access. This is the easiest to set up, is available by default, but suffers from a number of limitations. These include both security and usability issues, and we hope to cover them here.
In this paper, we'll present the various forms of authentication available to the Secure Shell user and contrast the security and usability tradeoffs of each. Then we'll add the extra functionality of agent key forwarding, we hope to make the case that using ssh public key access is a substantial win.
This article describes a method how to use a #USB memory device as an #authentication token to log in into a #Linux system instead of traditional #password. This can be accomplished by use of Pluggable Authentication Modules ( PAM ) and some sort of USB storage device such as USB memory stick of Mobile phone with SD card attached.
Document PDF (80 pages)
Ubuntu, Tux (Powered by LINUX) and Android PC stickers
SLIMBOOK is the Linux-friendly ultraboook that now comes with a more powerful hardware. Completely renovated, the KDE SLIMBOOK II is also completely better.
KDE Neon, the best operating system for PLASMA, has also been renewed with incredible innovations, better performance and hundreds of new features.
Microsoft started the war against Linux at least as far back as 1996. It has been going on for 15 years or more:
Microsoft doesn't even deny any of the tactics below. In fact, they have defended these activities in court hearings and commission hearings as "typical of the PC industry", because they control the PC industry.
Since the adoption of Kernel 2.6, Linux has used the udev system to handle devices such as USB connected peripherals. If you want to change the behavior when you plug something into a USB port, this section is for you. As an example, we will use a USB thumb drive but these methods should translate to any device handled by udev. As a goal for this exercise we decided to create a symlink and execute a script when a specific thumb drive was loaded. The operating system we used for this exercise is Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.
blink(1) mk2 is an updated version of the blink(1) super status light. The original blink(1) made it easy to connect any data source in the cloud or on your computer to a full-color RGB LED so you can know what's happening without checking any windows, going to any websites or typing any commands. blink(1) mk2 maintains backward-compatibility while adding better functionality and great new features.
Parfois utile pour reconfigurer un système afin d'y mettre GNU/Linux.
Si vous recherchez un moyen simple pour découvrir diverses distributions Gnu/Linux, Vous êtes au bon endroit, MultiSystem est fait pour ça.
MultiSystem vous propose La première clé USB MultiBoot du marché.
La clé USB MultiSystem est la manière la plus simple de découvrir le monde Gnu/Linux.
Vous n'avez rien à faire, elle contient une sélection des distributions les plus appréciées actuellement.
Branchez, démarrez, testez en mode live , ou installez ...
Découvrez facilement le meilleur du monde Linux, un monde libre de droits, et gratuit !
Oubliez les spywares (logiciels espions), trojans et autres malwares qui ralentissent votre ordinateur...
Apple systems have always used different key combinations to perform different tasks, just like all computer makers. However, finding those key combinations has always been an arduous task – they don’t come right out and tell you in the manual how to do some of these.
From the community, for the community
The Open-PC is a PC for everyday use built by the Linux community for the Linux community. We use only free software. Your help will be welcomed, to make our project even better.
What is special about the Open-PC?
- Hardware and Software is selected by the Linux Community
- The PC is preconfigured and easy to use by everybody
- Telephone and Email support is included.
- Only free software is used, including the drivers
- Only fully documented hardware is used
- There are different manufacturers who build and sell the Open-PCs
- A part of the price is a donation to KDE
- Everything, including the software, is developed in the open. Everybody can contribute.