35 private links
We invite you to take part in a brief, anonymous survey about #Vintage Computer Festival Montreal. Click here https://bit.ly/vcfm2026pre-en
Nous vous invitons à participer à un bref sondage anonyme sur VCF Montréal. Cliquez ici https://bit.ly/vcfm2026pre-fr
The BackBit Pro cartridge that can read/write to MicroSD allows you to get the best use out of your vintage hardware. Individual adapters expand functionality to multiple devices. One adapter is included, and more adapters are available to purchase separately.
Many computer users got their start with the #TRS-80, the #Tandy Color Computer, or the Model 100 portable computer. This program looks at the role Radio Shack played in the early launch of personal computers and the hordes of users who still love their old Tandy PCs. Featured demonstrations include the Tandy 2500 SX/20, the Tandy 4033 LX, the GRiD 1550cd, the GRiD 325sc. Also shown is the original TRS-80 and some of the earlier cassette based software such as Dancing Demon. Guests include Howard Elias, Vice President of Tandy Computers and Mark Paulson, leader of the Color Computer User's Group. Originally broadcasted in 1991.
The Vintage Computer Federation is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Our mission is to preserve computing history through education, outreach, conservation, and restoration. We strive to accomplish this through family friendly hands-on activities at our museum, at regional and global events, and by fostering and nurturing the expansion of our on-line and in-person communities.
There are a few ways to test operation of a Color Computer. This may be useful when buying or selling a CoCo, when taking out old equipment from storage or simply to test your daily driver.
Yet another javascript emulator, this time for the legendary ahem MC-10 microcomputer by Tandy Corp!
Purely the result of one persons sentimental journey into his childhood days of PEEK'ing and POKE'ing. Source is available on #GitHub.
In Stranger Things season two episode eight (“The Mind Flayer”), there is a need for them to restart a computer system. Radio Shack Bob says someone needs to know BASIC to do this. (Oh, really, writers?) This leads to a scene where Bob gets the system going by … typing in a #BASIC program.
#DynoSprite is a sophisticated, object oriented game engine for the #Tandy #ColorComputer 3, written in #6809 assembly language. The build system runs on a modern computer to compile, assemble, and package a final disk image which can be loaded into an emulator or copied onto a physical disk for running on a real #CoCo 3. The resulting CoCo program requires a 512K Coco 3 with a disk system (either 5 1/4" floppy drive, or CoCo SDC card, or CoCoNET ROM Pak, or similar.
LogiCall is an Executive Level Synonym Execution Program and integrated software ensemble that enhances the speed and operating ease of your Color Computer 3. LogiCall permits you to move from drive to drive, move into and out of your word processor, database, spreadsheet, terminal program and other programs using just a few logical keystrokes. LogiCall displays pictures and word processor files on the screen without using graphics or word processor applications.
List of capacitors used in repairing and restoring #TRS80 #ColorComputer 1,2 and Model 100,102 computers by #Tandy #RadioShack
A perpetual collection of retro computer videogame design and programming books.
From ideas to actual pages of never-ending code to punch into vintage computers, you can make your own truly retro games!
As more are collected, more will be added with updates placed below this post.
Current file size (uncompressed): 3.2 GB
Format: pdf and .cbr
Files in this collection: 138
#XRoar est un émulateur complet du #ColorComputer 1 et 2 pour #GNULinux. Les images des #ROM requises pour cette émulation sont décrites et disponibles ici.
The DE0-Nano board introduces a compact-sized #FPGA development platform suited for prototyping circuit designs such as robots and "portable" projects. The board is designed to be used in the simplest possible implementation targeting the Cyclone IV device up to 22,320 LEs.
#CoCo3 RGB to VGA adapter
#ColorComputer projects
This Raspberry Pi 4 case is based on the TRS-80 Color Computer, Model 1. The top and bottom files should be printed using silver filament. I used Tianse Silver PLA because it's so close to the original color. The keyboard back should be printed in black. The keys themselves should be printed in white.
Since the keys are designed to be inserted into the back of the keyboard back, they can be painted the correct colors before being inserted, without causing a mess on the finished keyboard.
How to diagnose, restore and fix a #CoCo 3