35 private links
We invite you to take part in a brief, anonymous survey about #Vintage Computer Festival Montreal. Click here https://bit.ly/vcfm2026pre-en
Nous vous invitons à participer à un bref sondage anonyme sur VCF Montréal. Cliquez ici https://bit.ly/vcfm2026pre-fr
There’s never been a more important time to shop local, and now that’s easier than ever thanks to a [new] website created by a #Toronto local. Ali Haberstroh is the genius behind the platform, connecting Canadians to small businesses in their area. Yep, we’re talking about https://Not-Amazon.ca
WOAH ! "We’re happy to share that DeepComputing’s DC-ROMA #RISC-V Mainboard for #Framework Laptop 13 is now in stock and shipping in the Framework Marketplace. This is very much a developer-focused board to help accelerate maturing the software ecosystem around RISC-V, so we recommend waiting for future RISC-V products if you’re looking for a consumer-ready experience."
Piracy explores the intellectual property wars from the advent of print culture in the fifteenth century to the reign of the Internet in the twenty-first. Brimming with broader implications for today’s debates over open access, fair use, free culture, and the like, Johns’s book ultimately argues that piracy has always stood at the center of our attempts to reconcile creativity and commerce—and that piracy has been an engine of social, technological, and intellectual innovations as often as it has been their adversary.
From Cervantes to Sonny Bono, from Maria Callas to Microsoft, from Grub Street to Google, no chapter in the story of piracy evades Johns’s graceful analysis in what will be the definitive history of the subject for years to come.
Lettre d'opinion - Depuis quelque temps et presque insidieusement, nous avons été poussés — sans nous en rendre compte, pour la plupart — dans le passage obligé de la sacro-sainte Page Facebook !
Inventaire.io est une application web #libre qui permet de faire l'inventaire de sa bibliothèque pour pouvoir organiser le don, le prêt ou la vente de livres physiques. Une sorte de méga-bibliothèque communautaire, si l’on veut. Ces derniers mois, Inventaire s'est doté de nouvelles fonctionnalités et on a vu là l'occasion de valoriser ce projet
Con el propósito de sistematizar el trabajo parlamentario realizado como representante a la Cámara durante el periodo 2010-2014, el congresista Arias Castillo, publicó el libro Así se roban la tierra en Colombia, en el que hace un análisis detallado en materia de acaparamiento en la región de la Orinoquia, la cual está integrada por los departamentos del Meta, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare y Vichada. Dentro de esta vasta zona geográfica colombiana hay una subregión conocida como la Altillanura que abarca 7 millones de hectáreas.
L’informatique est une science diverse ! Ce jeu est l’occasion de présenter des figures importantes qui ont travaillé et travaillent à façonner la discipline et à la faire évoluer au cours du temps.
Le format « jeu de 7 familles » permet de mettre en lumière 42 (+1) personnalités, et de montrer que l’Histoire de l’informatique ne se résume pas à celle des ordinateurs. L’informatique se développe à travers une communauté scientifique qui fait vivre la discipline et interagit avec d’autres. Nous proposons dans ce jeu de découvrir 7 de ses grandes thématiques.
Au travers de 12 portraits de chercheuses, enseignantes-chercheuses et ingénieures dans les sciences du numérique, croquées par le crayon de Léa Castor, CNRS Sciences informatiques a souhaité mettre en avant la diversité des recherches en sciences du numérique et contribuer à briser les stéréotypes qui dissuadent les femmes de s’engager dans cette voie.
Il n’est pas rare que les DSI se plaignent d’augmentations significatives des coûts de licences et des abonnements, sans réaliser que nous sommes victimes d’un système.
Tout, dans le marketing autour des outils informatiques et dans les choix stratégiques nationaux, incite à une augmentation de la dépendance vis-à-vis des fournisseurs : doctrine « cloud au centre », applications qui, du jour au lendemain, ne sont plus accessibles qu’en mode Software as a Service (SaaS), licences qui ne sont plus disponibles que sous forme d’abonnement…
The Timex Sinclair 1000 (ZX81) is a charmingly limited computer from 1982. It has one of the worst keyboards of all time, and it begs for you to DIY something better. Many people have have already created improved keyboards and cases, but I wanted to try my hand. I figured there are enough chunky, old computers out there though; I want to make something thin and sleek.
“Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, literally knitted or crocheted plush) is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small animals and anthropomorphic creatures.” Wikipedia
Here you'll find my amigurumi plush creations inspired by mascots, Linux logos and other computer systems, crocheted in 100% cotton and stuffed with anti-mite synthetic wadding.
Ideal for decoration, key rings
Need help talking with your kids about online safety? Want to know about parental controls? Looking for a simple set of rules to use with your children? FOSI’s Good Digital Parenting provides you with videos, tip sheets, resources, blogs, and more.
Enete is an end-to-end encrypted photo backup/sync (unlike Google Photos), truly multiplatform (unlike iCloud Photos), and Free open source software (unlike both!), available as a service or selhosting.
Legacy introduces account inheritance to Ente.
You can add trusted contacts, who can request to recover your account. If you do not reject their request within the stipulated time period, they will have an option to reset your password and access your account.
All of this, end-to-end encrypted.
"As I had been unable to find a comprehensive list of #Apple II peripheral cards and given the evident interest in these cards (frequent Apple II family card sales on eBay and a growing Facebook Apple II Cards group), I wrote a program, called Card Cat, in Apple II Pascal and 6502 assembly language that scans peripheral card slots, determines if a slot contains a firmware equipped card and analyzes the card’s firmware."
The Groundfridge is an autonomic operating and naturally cooled #cellar, developed for storing wine and food. Discover more about the Groundfridge here.
An independent Core, Plugins and Themes updater for #WordPress. No wp.org dependency.