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Picture Wall - 296 pics
nonsalant/contract: A signable contract that lives in a single file
De grâce, utilisons nos sites Web ! (2021) | Le Devoir
Partagez l’inventaire de votre bibliothèque avec vos proches
Jeu de 7 familles de l'informatique - Interstices
Les décodeuses du numérique | CNRS Sciences informatiques
ZEN Instruments: Timex Sinclair 1000 New Case and Keyboard
Family Online Safety Institute
futurecoder : Le code du futur, c'est vous !
Ente Photo Legacy
Card Cat for Apple II – Henry Lowe
Groundfridge - The naturally cool cellar
Apple LC III - L'erreur de conception du condensateur enfin prouvée | Insolite | Le site de Korben
GitHub - undergroundwires/ Open-source tool to enforce privacy & security best-practices on Windows, macOS and Linux, because privacy is sexy
Safeguarding Your Data: Setting Up A Remote Raspberry Pi Backup with BorgBackup - Steve's blog
jhx0/debian-desktop-playbook: Ansible Playbook to deploy a Debian desktop
What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs - Ars Technica
La première usine de compost officiellement ouverte à Montréal | Radio-Canada
Tube Archivist : Your self hosted YouTube media server
Funding for Free and Open Source projects - FLOSS/fund
Interopérabilité : ActivityPub et au-delà | Note Praxis
Nations unies : un engagement pour les logiciels libres - ZDNET
Can Bitwarden access Vaultwarden through Authentik or security proxy ?
"No signal" when installing using Proxmox VE 8.2 ISO on SuperMicro X9DRW-7/iTPF | Proxmox Support Forum
GitHub - strukturart/wikipedia-search
GitHub - strukturart/search
GitHub - strukturart/greg: Calendar for KaiOS
GitHub - strukturart/ Open Street Map app - KaiOS
GitHub - strukturart/passport
GitHub - strukturart/Parrot: KaiOS T9 vocabulary expansion
GitHub - strukturart/flop: KaiOS p2p messenger app
GitHub - strukturart/feedolin: rss reader and podcast player for KaiOS
7-Minute Workout: Benefits, Intensity Level, and More
lowercasename/gathio: Self-destructing, shareable, no-registration event pages
mcer12/Hugo-ESP8266: Hugo is a 4-button ESP8266 Wi-Fi Remote, Arduino compatible and simple to use.
Open-source clones of popular sites (Airbnb, AMZ, Instagram, etc.)
GitHub - GeekVisit/uproot
OpenERV, the Open Energy Recovery Ventilator
PAC MAN Desk Mat - Home Office Accessories
Open Energy Recovery Ventilator
Custom Analog Technologies | Split Flaps | Oat Foundry
The Ultimate Open Source Game Engine Advertisement
Get RSS Feed URL for 🦊 Firefox
New OS For Commodore 64 Adds Modern Features | Hackaday
The Computer Chronicles: Tandy / Radio Shack Computers
The Story of the Playstation (Complete Series) [feat. Drunk Metroid] - YouTube
The Story of Super Mario World | Gaming Historian
Free open source implementation of RSA for the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer
Lego Atari 2600 set announced for August release, priced at $239.99 USD
Evidlo/picklecast: Share your screen to a projector with only a web-browser.
Micro Men (2009) TV movie
CP/M is really open-source now
Apple Mac : how to connect a vintage ADB keyboard to a modern Mac or let's meet Wombat (part One) - YouTube
The Apple II Documentation project
50 Years of Text Games: From Oregon Trail to A.I. Dungeon by Aaron A. Reed — Kickstarter
TRS-80 MC-10 Javascript Emulator
Stranger Things 2 and BASIC and Color BASIC | Sub-Etha Software
Shaarli: The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service
richard42/dynosprite: Sophisticated video game engine for Tandy Color Computer 3
Commandez votre Kit de Conversion en Campeur - Roadloft
Kit De Conversion Pour Mini Van | Le Baroudeur
EcoFlow RIVER Portable Power Station – EcoFlow Canada
Les sept principes Sans trace - De ville en forêt
#andOTP is a Free open source Two-factor authentication app for #Android
#Backup #Android #SMS, MMS and call log to #IMAP / #CalDAV
The best Right to Repair testimony in Maryland came from a 16 year old. - YouTube
Retro Computer Game Design and Programming Books : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Une contre histoire de l'internet - YouTube
Terasic - All FPGA Boards - Cyclone IV - DE0-Nano Development and Education Board
TRS-80 Color Computer 1 RPi4 Case by techhat - Thingiverse
balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives
Mozilla WebThings Gateway Kit by OKdo
Marché Commun - Ensemble, créons la livraison locale équitable ! Billets, Le jeu 2 juil. 2020 à 13:00 | Eventbrite
Finnix is a self-contained, bootable GNU/Linux CD distribution ("LiveCD") for system administrators, based on #Debian.
Mozilla WebThings Gateway 0.10 is out - Free open source software home automation
Basalte - the essence of home automation
#Samsung #Galaxy S III SGH-T999V - codename "d2tmo" unofficial /e/ build available
Adobe is cutting off users in Venezuela due to US sanctions - The Verge
Tero™ | An alternative to composting
'Collapse OS' Is an Open Source Operating System for the Post-Apocalypse - The operating system is designed to work with ubiquitous, easy-to-scavenge components in a future where consumer electronics are a thing of the past.
Pterotype – WordPress plugin |
DIY Hue Emulator : Build smart DIY Lights - diyHue
Capacity (SD/SDHC/SDXC/SDUC) - SD Association
Speed Class - SD Association
GitHub - BenRoe/awesome-mechanical-keyboard: ⌨️ A curated list of awesome Mechanical Keyboard resources.
A new clothing line confuses automated license plate readers
TIL A statistician spent years writing a science fiction novel to teach university statistics. Even though he didn't know anything about writing fiction, he got an illustrator to create graphic novel strips for his story which contained the equivalent of 60 research papers
Security vulnerabilities fixed in Firefox 67.0.4 and Firefox ESR 60.7.2 — Mozilla
#Firefox 67.0.3 released with an urgent #security fix.
SimpleTax: Free Canadian Tax Return Software
Ubuntu On Steroids: My personal routine for setting up & customizing Ubuntu 18.04
ELECJET Official Site
Eight Simple Rules for Protecting Your Cryptocurrency
Download 502 Free Art Books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Open Culture
MetroVac ED-500 DataVac Electric Duster White -
Research | Convert your Model M Keyboard to Bluetooth with Bluefruit EZ-Key HID | Adafruit Learning System
Meet Algo, the VPN that works | Trail of Bits Blog
A List of Open Source Core Font Replacements : linux
Files bug report : Please update grauphel for NextCloud 15 · Issue #70 · cweiske/grauphel · GitHub
Filed bug report : Please udpate caniupdate for NextCloud 15 compatibility · Issue #25 · nextcloud/caniupdate · GitHub
Worksheet function for distance between Latitude/Longitude coordinates
Minio: Private cloud storage
Toot! on the App Store
What is HiDPI and Why Does it Matter?
TIL of a researcher who was trying to develop eye-protection goggles for doctors doing laser eye surgery. He let his friend borrow them while playing frisbee, and his friend informed him that they cured his colorblindness.
Estonia is extending the validity period of 32,000 digital ID cards
Printable Bitcoin Tips
Le rôle des commissaires est mal connu | Le Devoir (2014)
Break up Facebook (and while we're at it, Google, Apple and Amazon) - Big tech has ushered in a second Gilded Age. We must relearn the lessons of the first, writes the former US labor secretary
CompuCleaner Xpert Electric Air Duster – IT Dusters
Metropolitan ED500 DataVac 120 Volt Electric Duster, White -
Set up an Online Course With WordPress -
Linux: Stickers | Redbubble
New: Nitrokey FIDO U2F - Scholar Social, a Mastodon instance for academia - Mathstodon
Hughski - ColorHug2
Pepper & Carrot - Fully Managed Mastodon Hosting
Shaarlier is a simple Android app for sharing links on Shaarli.
F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Diaspora (social network) - Wikipedia
Matomo - self-hosted free software Web & Mobile Analytics Software
Home | Monero - secure, private, untraceable
Access / authenticate to Shaarli via API · Issue #37 · dimtion/Shaarlier · GitHub
Allow "Publish to Mastodon" option in link edition too · Issue #6 · kalvn/shaarli2mastodon · GitHub
GitHub - lefcha/imapfilter: IMAP mail filtering utility
Auto-héberger les polices Google Fonts sur WordPress | Angristan
RSS Feed Titles Need to be More Expressive. · Issue #8125 · tootsuite/mastodon · GitHub
Netbox - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
Keychest - certificate expiry monitor and server status for HTTPS, TLS, Letsencrypt
Google Online Security Blog: Announcing the first SHA1 collision
Iridium Browser
Office 2013 theme for LibreOffice by charliecnr on DeviantArt
[4.4 ROOT] SlapMyMoto 1.0 (Requires you to be on 4.2.2) - Post #1
Le blog du gros chialeux | L'opinion des gens compte!
Making The Mele F10 Usable In XBMC (Linux) | Nolan Haynes
How to buy Property in Colombia and Avoid being Scammed | The Cali Adventurer
espro press — espro - precision coffee
How to write udev rules | Hackaday
The Limitations of Server Log Files for Usability Analysis « Boxes and Arrows - Detect from browser if specific application is installed - Stack Overflow
Smooth scrolling absurdly fast for Performance MX #158
SpeedTest CLI client
A friend and I made a GNU sticker to hide Apple's logo on Macbooks : linuxmasterrace
Piwik installation from GitHUB
Remote Management PCI Card - IP8000, ATEN KVM over IP Switches
Open Source Is Going Even More Open—Because It Has To | WIRED
ownCloud Forums • View topic - Is there such a thing as an activity report in OC?
Living on One Dollar (2013) - IMDb
WordPress › Booking Calendar « WordPress Plugins
Cover Story: “Playdate” - The New Yorker
Plugable Power 2015 5-Port USB Smart Charger with 40W Power Adapter | Plugable
Debian - HELLOTUX - Embroidered Linux t-shirts
HOWTO be a well-dressed office dude - Boing Boing
Why are Electric Pencil Sharpeners Made in the '80s Better than New Ones? - Core77
Heavyweight Full Zip Hooded Sweatshirt | American Giant
CategoryManager :: Modules pour Thunderbird
Sur deux roues | Le blogue du vélo sous toutes ses formes
3 Tricks Car Salesmen Use to take your money : personalfinance
Piwik: un gran sistema de estadísticas para tu web - Infranetworking
Cómo instalar Piwik en CentOS Linux - Infranetworking
backup - Are RDX removable disks a good replacement for LTO tape? - Server Fault
▶ Hack the Dell RD1000 / Imation RDX? - YouTube
L’entreprise individuelle (travailleur autonome) | Éducaloi
Free Security Logos, Design, Creator, Maker, Online, Company
Can't download Debian's Two Blu-Ray Disk - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Anti-Systemd People « etbe - Russell Coker
JDS Labs - Objective2 Headphone Amplifier
Open source Booktype removes barriers to collaboration |
Recover data after running “dd if=/dev/zero …” for a few seconds | jlanza's Notebook
Yubikey - Trammell Hudson's Projects
WordPress › Safe Mode
WordPress › Disable Theme and Plugin Editor « WordPress Plugins
Fédération des comités de parents du Québec - FCPQ
Community Participation Guidelines — Mozilla
Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broken | Threat Level | WIRED
linux - Using fsck to check and repair LUKS encrypted disk? - Server Fault
blink(1) mk2 USB RGB LED
Honda Smart Home US | Open Sourcing Honda Smart Home
Honda Smart Home is now open source - SlashGear
La Carte du Métro Vecteur |
Beethoven Symphony #6 : Transfer and restoration by Bob Varney
Ville de Montréal - Portail officiel - Ville intelligente et numérique
Athabasca University Press - Vivre à nu: La surveillance au Canada
Data mining your children - Stephanie Simon -
Tout savoir sur les licences Creative Commons en 2 min « Korben
Adopting free and open source software in education |
nikos.roussos | Free Your Android
ROCK-HARD CANADIAN MAPLE HEADPHONES by Lukapier inc. (Pierre-Luc Duchesne) — Kickstarter
La génération du numérique moins experte avec l’ordinateur qu’on le pense |
Atelier d'animation image par image
Éducation : la « réingénierie » du cerveau - L'actualité
Un annuaire de sites Internet destinés aux tout-petits | Thot Cursus
Book Trailers 101 | Biblio-blog
Code kiddies: Canadian elementary schools teach computer programming - The Globe and Mail
10 compétences d’un leader technologique du 21e siècle |
Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page · Formstack
Le modèle SAMR : une référence pour l’intégration réellement pédagogique des TIC en classe |
France: Bitcoin Revenues Must be Declared to Tax Authorities
▶ What is Bitcoin and how does it work? - YouTube
More malware found hosted in Google’s official Android market | Ars Technica
More “BadNews” for Android: New malicious apps found in Google Play | Ars Technica
Malware designed to take over cameras and record audio enters Google Play | Ars Technica
Covert Bitcoin miner found stashed in malicious Google Play apps | Ars Technica
Courier Prime - A Courier made for screenplays. | Quote-Unquote Apps
Tor Users Should Leave Insecure Windows Operating System | Threatpost
Access Control in WordPress with Advanced Access Manager - OSTraining
Contact Form 7 on Dreamhost is Broken: Here’s How to Fix It | Direct Vermont
WordPress › Broken Link Checker « WordPress Plugins
APOP | Association pour les applications pédagogiques de l'ordinateur au post-secondaire
Campagne électorale: les candidats sont invités à signer le Pacte du logiciel libre | Le Devoir
TVHD Montréal - HDTV Montreal
AntennaWeb - Home
La grande séduction de Smart Technologies | André Noël et Vincent Marissal | Éducation
Un lobbyiste bien branché | André Noël et Vincent Marissal | Éducation
Québec doit «réduire sa dépendance à Microsoft», dit le PQ | Denis Lessard | Politique québécoise
MapBox | Fast and beautiful maps
TileMill | Fast and beautiful maps
iMac G3 Disassembly Guide
Zandy - Applications Android sur Google Play
Issue #91: Can't scan magazines - error fetching metadata · ajlyon/zandy
Deprecated Linux networking commands and their replacements
New Zealand Developers Building Open Source Code For Electric Cars - Slashdot
Is there an open source Bitcoin exchange? - Bitcoin - Stack Exchange
Un milliard pour renouveler les postes informatiques | Denis Lessard | Politique québécoise
Trisquel en LibrePlanet 2012
[Tool] lsplash - Linux splash screen flasher - xda-developers
Microsoft Office vs OpenOffice / LibreOffice - YouTube
Homepage of Zabbix :: An Enterprise-Class Open Source Distributed Monitoring Solution
2 moteurs de recherche libres et décentralisés Seeks et Yacy 2/2 - Philippe Scoffoni
Modulis - Asterisk VoIP
The 4-Hour Workweek and Timothy Ferriss
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for November 2011
Microsoft Security Advisory (2641690): Fraudulent Digital Certificates Could Allow Spoofing
Easy Money: Program:Win32/Pameseg (part one) - Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
Avira Free Antivirus - Download Best Antivirus Software
Informatique - Québec choisit les logiciels sous licence, sans appel d'offres | Le Devoir
Plancake - Free Online To-do list, Organiser, Calendar and GTD
How do you solve a problem like Microsoft? | ITworld
Microsoft contributes open-source code to Samba | ZDNet
VMWare In Danger Of Losing Marketshare Finds Research Paper | | Page One
OER Commons
Measuring Openness In Open Source Projects - Slashdot
Minimal UI for LUKS encryption on the Wildfire - xda-developers
Hacker's Keyboard for Android |
YouTube - Débat : La convergence Fixe-Mobile : MICROSOFT / AVENCALL
Syncany: A Great Dropbox Alternative Which Supports Multiple Storage Types ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day
[INFO] OpenVPN - xda-developers
[ROM] PRIMORDIAL! v3.1 | WW PATCH NOW AVAILABLE - xda-developers
Reduce Photo Size | AppBrain Android Market
F-Droid · FOSDEM Schedules
LimeSurvey - the free & open source survey software tool !
Using Cobbler on Ubuntu « > /dev/null
What SSD support changes are there in 11.04 ? - Ask Ubuntu - Stack Exchange
Apple to support reps: "Do not attempt to remove malware" | ZDNet
Pwning Past Whole Disk Encryption « twopointfouristan
DVCS-Autosync: A personal Dropbox replacement based on Git | Rene Mayrhofer's virtual home
Peter Haas: Haiti's disaster of engineering | Video on
Make KDE Applications Look Native In GNOME (With Ubuntu Ambiance Style) ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
Python Tutorials for Kids 8+
• The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon • Damn Interesting
How to: Start a Company Twitter Account | oneforty
Intel Social Media Guidelines
HyperMac responds with vengeance, and non-patent infringing adapter -- Engadget
Vidéo et audio - Audition à Assemblée nationale du Québec - Fédération des cégeps
The ISO PDF Standard hasn't been updated since 2008. So WTF does Adobe Reader have to update every week?
Microsoft bans Free Software on Windows Phone 7 (Updated) | ZDNet
L'Heure Ubuntu @ Outremont (Montréal) | Ubuntu LoCo Team Directory
L'Heure Ubuntu @ Outremont (Montréal) | Ubuntu LoCo Team Directory
L'Heure Ubuntu @ Outremont (Montréal) | Ubuntu LoCo Team Directory
Can't stop the signal: Sony's options limited in face of PS3 jailbreak
Never said about restaurant websites
Clever Power Outlet Incorporates Dual USB Chargers | Gadget Lab |
Advice On Teaching Linux To CS Freshmen? - Slashdot
[HOWTO] Make Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Mono Free | The _khAttAm_ blog
Cydia (application) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WP Stats for Android | KreCi, Independent Developer
Raising money for a hackable, open hardware-based USB protocol analyzer - Boing Boing
Daylight Saving Time Canada
Dossier médical: l'informatisation tarde | Sara Champagne | Santé
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The personal, minimalist, super fast, database-free, bookmarking service by the Shaarli community