35 private links
#XRoar est un émulateur complet du #ColorComputer 1 et 2 pour #GNULinux. Les images des #ROM requises pour cette émulation sont décrites et disponibles ici.
The DE0-Nano board introduces a compact-sized #FPGA development platform suited for prototyping circuit designs such as robots and "portable" projects. The board is designed to be used in the simplest possible implementation targeting the Cyclone IV device up to 22,320 LEs.
#CoCo3 RGB to VGA adapter
#ColorComputer projects
We produce high quality bare printed circuit boards, focused on the needs of prototyping, hobby design, and light production. All our services offer purple soldermask over bare copper (SMOBC) and an Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) finish. These are suitable for a lead-free reflow process, and are RoHS compliant.
This Raspberry Pi 4 case is based on the TRS-80 Color Computer, Model 1. The top and bottom files should be printed using silver filament. I used Tianse Silver PLA because it's so close to the original color. The keyboard back should be printed in black. The keys themselves should be printed in white.
Since the keys are designed to be inserted into the back of the keyboard back, they can be painted the correct colors before being inserted, without causing a mess on the finished keyboard.
The 21st century realization of the C65 heritage: A complete 8-bit computer running around 40x faster than a C64 while being highly compatible. C65 design, mechanical keyboard, HD output, SD card support, Ethernet, extended memory and other features increase the fun without spoiling the 8-bit feel. Hardware designs and software are open-source (LGPL).
How to diagnose, restore and fix a #CoCo 3
Since 1994, #Cloud-9 has been in the business of developing and marketing cool hardware and software products for users of the #RadioShack #TRS-80 #ColorComputer 1, 2 and Tandy Color Computer 3. The company is made up of a couple of guys who get a kick pushing the #CoCo beyond what it was originally designed to do.
This site is the result of an effort to preserve Color Computer software and documentation. I've been collecting Coco related files since 2002: cartridges, cassettes, virtual disks, ROMs, music, pictures, manuals, books, magazines, Radio Shack catalogs and more. I also scanned several manuals and books to add to my collection, which is now available to the Coco community.
Many thanks to Steve M. for his prodigious Rainbow restoration project and for providing numerous manuals to the archive!
Device Side Data's flagship product is the FC5025 USB 5.25" floppy controller. The FC5025 plugs into any computer's USB port and enables you to attach a 5.25" floppy drive. Even if your computer has no built-in floppy controller, the FC5025 lets you read those old disks. And it's not just for IBM PC disks – it also understands formats used by Apple, Atari, Commodore and TI, among others.